Sunday, January 18, 2009

Answers to Cedar's Questions

This exercise came from Cedarflame and I thought it would be fun to do. Cedar asks the questions and I try to answer the questions that she has posed.

1. I am pleased you asked to do this for a number of reasons. One of the reasons concerns a conversation I had today with a total stranger about teachers while getting my oil changed. The person said they thought teaching was a calling, more than a career choice. Being a teacher, what are your thoughts about this comment?

I believe that some people are compelled to enter certain careers based on a strong need to better the world. Some people are compelled to enter health careers. Others choose other occupations that are service oriented. Those that become police officers or teachers are not driven by financial gain. I became a police officer to be able to help others. While I was an officer, I was given the oportunity to teach. I realized that I had a gift. So, yes, I feel that I was called to teach. Teaching enables me to touch lives, lead by example, and push students to excel even in areas that they lack confidence. I like being able to talk about the environment and recycling, doing the right thing because it is the right thing.

2. In 2007 you finished an advanced Masters Course in education; will we be calling you Doctor or Professor anytime soon?

I got my Education Specialist Degree which is called a masters plus 33 in some places. I do believe that I am finished with advancing my education. You can call me professor if you like. I am teaching at night at a local college.

3. Before you were a teacher you were a police officer is there anything about being a police officer that you miss?

There are lots of things that I miss: being in the position to help people; chasing a bad guy and catching him; writing a ticket to someone who is so selfish that they put other's lives in danger by running lights or speeding; even just talking to people and trying to help them solve some problem; but mostly, being part of the immediate family of law enforcement. Now, I am just a cousin, part of the extended family but not in the inner circle.
It seems that every time I get too wistful, the weather turns really nasty. If it is really hot, I remember standing for hours on asphalt that was so hot that the polish melted off my boots. When it is raining, I remember standing out in it soaked to the bone directing traffic no matter what the temperature. When it is bone chilling cold, I remember sitting on a rock on the river bank with wind and ice pelting my face for hours while we try to talk a jumper off the bridge. All these memories come to me while I am in my climate controlled classroom. And I just smile and start talking about the Pythagorean theorem to a group of less than thrilled teenagers.

4. While growing up who do you think was the biggest influence on who you are today?

I am one of the lucky ones. I grew up in Beaver Cleaver's house with the exception that my mother was a teacher. When I was 17, I had one set of great-grand parents, and both sets of grandparents still alive and together. My parents were together until my dad died. My grandparents until one of them died. Everyone went to church and lived like they did when no one was looking.
All of those people were major influences on my life but if I had to select one, it would be my mother's father. He ran a general store and he kept little books under the counter of credit that he extended to his customers that could not pay. They would pay him $5 or $10 a month when they could. He never reminded them about their bill or refused them food purchases.
I never heard him swear, drink, or smoke. He expected all the members of his family to act in a way that would not bring dishonor on themselves or their family. He insisted that both of his sons-in-law join organizations that gave back to their community. He was a boy scout leader, volunteer police officer, helped start the volunteer fire department and was the chief for almost 50 years. He helped start the water department and served on their board. He was an active member of the Lion's Club. He would sell their brooms in his store and put the ones he normally sold for profit in the warehouse.
He only had girls so he taught them to be self sufficient. My mother was much better with a hammer and nail than my dad. He was supportave of my career choice as a police officer even though women in law enforcement was rare. He died before I became a teacher but I know he would be pleased that I am still helping people be the best that they can be. He was a good man and he expected me to be a good woman. I hope that he would be proud of the woman that I am now.

5. You like scuba diving, kayaking and water sports in general. Is there some place in the world that you dream about spending time in the water either kayaking or scuba diving?

I have decided that I am no longer in the shape that I need to be in to scuba dive anymore. I would love to kayak with whales in any water any time.

Here are the rules if you want to participate in 5 Questions.
1. Send me an email saying: ”Interview Me” to
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You can then answer the questions on your blog.
4. You should also post these rules along with an offer to interview anyone else who emails you wanting to be interviewed.
5. Anyone who asks to be interviewed should be sent 5 questions to answer on their blog. It would be nice if the questions were individualized for each blogger.

1 comment:

Cedar said...

Thanks Ms. A! I love you dearly and always will! Risley