Saturday, February 24, 2007

Things that make you go bahahaha!

Yesterday, I was traveling back from the high school basketball sub state playoffs when I got stopped by a traffic light. A truck pulled up beside me. It had loud mufflers, glass packs I believe they call them, so I looked over at the truck. It was a maroon Chevy pickup. It sported very large mudder tires and you would need a step ladder to get in the thing. The driver was white, in his twenties, with a short beard in much need of a trim. He was wearing a John Deere ball cap and a grey long sleeve t-shirt pushed up to his elbows. There was an empty shotgun rack in his back window and he had a picture of a deer head with a sign that said, "Size does matter" plastered to that window. Country music was blaring. I was thinking, can you possible avertise any more that you are a red neck?

The light turned green and he pulled away from me. Plastered to his back bumper was a triangle shaped bumper stick that read, "I learned from lesbians." I cracked up!


Rainwolf said...

Lucy didn't get it, poor soul. Teach her to be a yankee.

SassyFemme said...


Trop said...

That reminds me of the guy who gave us the "call me" gesture from his pick-up. We were caught in traffic after the George Strait concert and he saw us smooching in our car.

Ms. A said...

LOL..I am sure you were as impressed as I was.